At Lifetime Dental, Dr. Michitti and his team are working diligently to keep staff and patients better protected from the potential spread of COVID-19. Like many dental professionals throughout the United States, they are remaining steadfast in their efforts to sanitize, disinfect, and ensure a healthy environment for everyone. If you need to return for a dental appointment, read on to learn more about the proactive measures they’re taking to keep you safe.
What They’re Doing to Protect You
You may feel a bit uncertain about the idea of visiting your dentist right now, which is completely understandable. However, you should know that Dr. Michitti is pleased to report that his practice has not seen any exposure to COVID-19. Also, you will be pleased to learn that not one staff member has contracted the highly contagious virus.
The daily temperature checks and questionnaire for staff ensure everyone who arrives to work is healthy, ready, and capable of treating patients. This is crucial because of the close proximity between staff and clients. But there’s more good news! This isn’t the only way Dr. Michitti and his team are keeping you safe from COVID-19.
Here are just a few more examples of why you can feel more confident about your upcoming dental appointment:
- Contactless Greetings: Although everyone is eager to return to high-fives, handshakes, and hugs, it is best to abide by the 6-foot rule and maintain proper social distancing. This includes finding other ways to greet each other (i.e., elbow bump, air high-fives).
- Virtual Waiting Room: Instead of spending additional time inside the waiting room, Lifetime Dental asks that you patiently wait in your vehicle until it is time for your appointment.
- Deep Cleaning Each Evening: After all patients are gone for the day, their dental office is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized in a deep cleaning process.
- HEPA Air Filters: To ensure the air you’re breathing is clean and purified, Dr. Michitti has installed HEPA-grade filters to the HVAC system as well as stand-alone air purifiers to each treatment room.
- Personal Protective Equipment: From face masks and shields to protective eyewear, gloves, and lab coats, this personal protective equipment (PPE) better protect staff from possible contamination or transmission of harmful particles found in your mouth or the air.
At Lifetime Dental, these added protocols put forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Dental Association (ADA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are helping to keep you safe during your visit. As a patient, there are things you can do as well to minimize the potential spread, such as:
- Maintaining good oral and personal hygiene
- Maintaining proper social distancing measures while inside and outside the office
- Staying home as much as you can to avoid unnecessary contact
- Staying away from those who are sick
By working together, you and your dental team can better maintain a healthier environment for all patients.
About the Author
Dr. Frank Michitti is recognized as a “Top 1% Dentist” because of his Mastership status in the Academy of General Dentistry. Leading a team of expert professionals at Lifetime Dental, he and his team are taking added precautions to keep both patients and staff safe from COVID-19. From wearing personal protective equipment to performing daily checks of team members each day, all individuals who visit their Feeding Hills office can feel confident about the safety of their appointment. If you are curious about the precautions Dr. Michitti is taking against COVID-19, visit our website or call (413) 786-4400.