To people who are missing teeth, dentures are absolutely invaluable. They allow people to speak, eat, and project confidence much more easily than they could otherwise, and after a while it can make it incredibly easy to forget that your prosthetic isn’t actually real.
Should your dentures break, you might wonder whether this constitutes an emergency situation that warrants immediate medical attention. Here’s what you should know.
Are My Broken Dentures a Dental Emergency?
If you rely on your dentures for some of the most important things in life, having them break can be a serious problem. In this situation it’s a really good idea to talk to a dentist about your issue, and they’ll usually be happy to see you for a same-day emergency appointment. This being the case, you can absolutely call a broken denture a dental emergency.
What Do I Do Until My Appointment?
Even if your dentist schedules you an emergency appointment, it may be a few hours before they can see you. If this happens after office hours, you may need to spend a day without your prosthetic. If you have a set of backup dentures you can make use of these until then, but if not you might just have to be cautious about what you eat until you get to the dentist’s office.
Should I Try to Repair My Dentures On My Own?
You should never attempt to fix your dentures without professional supervision. There are DIY denture repair kits that you can get over-the-counter, but attempting to use to these to make substantial repairs to your prosthetic will likely only result in much worse damage to them. This will make the eventual professional repairs much more difficult and expensive.
While it can be painful to be without your dentures, it’s best not to take matters into your own hands in this regard. Prosthetic repairs are best left to the professionals.
About the Author
Dr. Frank Michitti spent a lot his childhood in dentists offices, which gives him a unique perspective on not only what it takes to be a dentist but what it’s like to be a patient. This experience is what drives him to constantly improve as a dentist and to learn more about his field. Dr. Michitti received his dental degree from Ohio State, and since then his dedication to education has earned him the title of Master from the Academy of General Dentistry. Less than 2% percent of dentists have earned this remarkable achievement.
If you have any questions about dentures, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (413) 786-4400.